Monday, November 24, 2008

What An Eventful day

AFA08 is over true it's been what should i say boring but there were cosplayers mind u tho some are quite cute too bad i din have my cam to take piccie of them, the whole 2 day even there are quite few event's but i guess those are the time where u Should be spare time to take piccie of what ever u wanted to lol, there are few event's that are quite nice the mini concerts and New shows or product. i just wish they had a other hall for the damn concert as it is so crowded almost felt like going to but the damn diamond vip pass lor.i really sorry for ah fee and Siva as they had to waste $5 for the enterance fee, if i was to grade the whole event i give a 12/20 anyone Piss of by the grade can feel free to remark i might see your point and change the score as it only feel like this grade for me personally. as for the whole even i kinda happy i went i get to meet Steve, ee di, hana, royden, amanda and amanda friend sorry i forget your name maybe i didn't hear clearly i forget lol. Other note sad thing was an uncle pass away, he is very nice and i don't think i spend alot of time getting to know him, i shall mourn for him this pass few days.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sobs Camera where are u!!!!

i cannot find my camera anyway and i just check it's retail price it's around $570 to $580. Omg that guy who have my Camera better be happy becouse it's damn painful to me now. On other note i was checking to see if i can get the same camera again but $580 is alot to save up for. maybe on Monday i check with the school if they have a lost and found unit. that's my last hope. i pray they have it and it's there.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Anime Festival Asia 2008

Anime Festival Asia 2008 is coming tomorrow i am too big of a Anime-fan too miss this so guess i am gonna skip class tomorrow just to attend this ha ha it's a 2 days event 22-23/nov/2008 it's a t suntec convention hall 403-404 and it's 5 dollar for 1 day and 8 dollar for 2 i am gonna take the 8 dollar just to support it as it is the biggest Anime convention in 08 not only that but i Never ever been to a anime convention ha ha. So damn hype up by this anyway there is also cosplay event, concent by ichirou mizuki and may'n, which i am gonna say i did not heard them sang before also Ichirou mizuki sang OP/ED of Kamen rider V3. May'n on the other hand so-sang for macross something, i am not a big fan for both show tho anyway i have been finding my cam from quite some time and yet i can't find it i am guessing it's gone so if i post picture it would be from my camera phone which the picture would suck alot so this would be all hopefuly i can last min find that damn camera lol.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Just saw a show on HBO it was really interesting , i can't remember it's title but it's about a girl whose life is petty mess up,which she has to deal with bully's, friends selling out her, troublemaker friend making her life worst and school Stupid enough to believe in fiction rather than facts. made me thought how much sense that show has just because most of the world is like that that does not means that one is not special. now let me asl u this how many of you guys ever been wrong and any other way i think petty much out of 10 at least 1 or more well thats all i got to say Cheers and think about it.

Friday, November 14, 2008

hmm Business law

Today lesson on business law, makes me wander if is there a limit, as we human through out history been breaking limits even seens. but on other side as we break new limit seem to be there to halt our advance, this make it's seems like the which came first chicken or the egg, no real answer i think making me quite interested anyone read this drop your comment on cbox of what u think, is there a limit or it is limitless.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Term Day 2

This is starting to get stressful i can't find any time to spare for blogging as it cuts in my cleeping time hmm i most likely to sleep less but can't kick my habit, as the new start of the new term it was strcter than normal as the sir's that teaching demand our total focus into studing which is what i am doing. Also i played Red alert 3 during the break before the new term start i must say i don't really think it's gonna be worth the $$ i spend but as a fathful Gamer, i follow my cause to the end, the Storyline for the game was not really good as it's kind bore tho i am very interested to play Japanese haha, o and other thing it was alright if anyone commented bad about it just kindly say Where is the Interesting Point i would change my post according, Cheers Commanders.

Friday, October 24, 2008


to those who don't know what it is, it's Missing In Action, ha ha not caring for my poor blog for a long long time here some time to drop it before the start studying for exam. Anyway yesterday me, step and ray watch Max Payne, for i don't even know why most problem it's because i am such a gamer to think that the show would be any good. sorry guys that i wasted your $7 cos truefuly it suck bad and hard, today was quite enjoyable, we pass up ours assignment and it feels good weights off our shoulder sorry for the guys that haven finish, lunch was funny we join Jane and her group of girls, first someone suggested that we eat steamboat, i was like ok because Stephen can't eat too Oliy, salty, fried or fast foods so it was a good idea but after we reach , the shop wouldn't open till 12 lish, it's other that or those that are open are too ex, for most of us we are a bunch of student mind u, after that we when to bugis junction 2nd floor for seoulgarden for buffet, ha ha after watching us eat the girls was saying that we are inhuman for consuming so much food and we total ate our worth, I agree i think i would not be eating dinner ha ha. Problem now study abit before resting to digest the food

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sorry for viewers

haha been Missing in Action proby becouse i am lazy, anyway been studying and watching youtube.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Today Programs

Woke up at 3 p.m haha kinda laze thru the day eat breakfast + lunch, watch anime at till F1 comes on i didn't chase after it but seem interesting anyway my family was watching the F1 Race, First comes to mind was Singapore Flyer sure was big, after that the race started around 20++ lap's someone crash petty good as least the racer was not hurt damn Daring to run across the race track, but that was the major thing everyone did stupid mistake after he crash, i was like Wtf the fueling guy flew damn dangerous job well after that the whole thing very damn interesting haha

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fun day

haha it rain today so cold i almost didn't get up in time, got on the bus problem was getting to school from the bus stop, there was no shatler to cover me from the rain, haa petty was wet top to bottom, class was as per usual fun with ms tricia and we decsided which subject to take on for assignment woot for me, ahh after class we went bugis(i got lured by them again), and meet up with ray's gf ate at qq noodie house again, i made a misstake by ordering something i didn't know haha well it's alright i guess, play lan for 2 hrs and play doll catching, i got a pooh doll but at the cost of $31++ haa guess i din't grow up at all how i wish i have more self control.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Feeling somethings missing

Today class was boring as ever teach by Mr Lee S.S haha good thing was he simplify things down to the very small detail but it took far too long to cover the whole subject i fear we might need to try harder on our own. anyway after class us 3 meet at ray gf house and planned to play marjong it was petty boring i felt i wasted time there and Stephen thinks so too maybe he should have went home to study of something. the ride home was long i fell asleep and my head kept banging into something i think it was the person siting beside me. i don't think i am ever going to Ray's gf house to play Marjong it's not really fun. HaHa hope ray don't see this.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Back from Lazyness

Woot i am older by 1 years old and my classmates got me a Razer gaming keyboard so exp but very nice to touch hehe, normaly would not buy becouse it's not that useful but seem it's others paying, but i am reallly gratful for getting this gift hoho well got to return the favor someday anyway.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

hehe Yesterday

Arg woke up with headache and Nasty taste in my mouth, i think i like le bar better the mood over the yesterday bar was like that of a ktv, maybe a place to have fun but not a place to chill maybe i would intro Stephen le bar

Thursday, September 18, 2008

what euu think about me?

HaHa today was a damn emo day for me, i am angry at 1 one my Best Friend for nothing, anyway this is what happen today i meted my secondary school friends for dinner/supper after that i meet up with andrew and co. i got drunk and writing this, we gone to le bar very nice to chill, any before i got home i got a picture of a cat sleeping hehe, before i end this i gonna say, "Sorry Royden For being a asshole today" ahh that felt better, ending this with the sleeping cat picture.

Monday, September 15, 2008

the date 14/09/2008

hohoho this day 14/09/2008 meet with Royden and 2 other Ladys,(that very siao one) meted at The sail lor wtf the damn place so hard to get to,well it's inside is damn cool la so many facilities and view quite good better if they didn't have so much constriction, well seriously nice but i did a littie trick at the pool area royden Save my CameRa WOOt ThankS RoyDen, haha after that we was all hungry and choose to eat at VivoCity, Royden suggested that we eat at a Restaurant called Carnivore it's has Brazil ambliem well and it serves Meat and more meat ad even more meat lol and pineapple lol, there is a mini salad bar like thing over the side. Damn fulll that day after that it was quite later we decside to go my place to chill haha probly not a good idea as my house so small chill till 1++am before the group gone back home haha sorry if anyone took mc the day after becouse they had to come my house. there are some picture i might upload later

Arg SO Stress

today WE are Finsh With Ob Exam and i feel good about it guess i be scoreing high haha well after class stree need to prepare for Paf ahh nvm at least it's much easy to pass Paf haha great day today

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Wanderer

Omg stupid exam is messing with my head i think i play too much around but after looking at the book my mind start to wander to other things, Damn my willpower i need a powerful boost Dota is leeching my life away stupid book why can't they make it more interesting. haa, feel as if i might fail again if this continue on, sorry for being so weak ...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lousy Day But i am making it Better (Trust Me)

Today Woke up at 1 p.m petty late first think i though was to blog becouse i had a flu and my head not that clear better to type some stuff here than feeling worst forceing myself to study, too all my classmates who is having the same effect of the EXAM, i think it is better to studying when,where,how and be happy but make sure you are do not reget anything u do time is too short to be regetting anything.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Meeting alot of people

Lazy day to start with woke up around 11 but with a bad flu, today was suppose to meet out to study but was late, Petty much okay seem like there was someone later than me haha, after meeting for few minutes i got hungry because i forgotten to eat my breakfast and lunch so i eat both at the same time, I had buddy meal for myself petty much overload feels like puking, after that i meet up with other group of friends, talk till i am guessing 8-9 pm, got a call from Royden to hang out and chill at fandi house, i was like er study week suppose to study but after that i did meet them becouse everyone was busy the pass few weeks so what the heck, So i dropped by and chill watch ghost movie, read finish a enrichment book called "copycat marketing" it was nice. o there was someone new i met at fandi place her name was May, nice person she had alot of stuff in her bag, if u all are thinking why i look at her bag i have nothing to say, just that i am curious actually it was royden who ask if it's okay to open her bag, O ya she's andrews friend/classmate or at least i think so. so tired now guess this is all for today.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Littie Break From Study

Yesterday was studying till 9++pm got Msn by duo and Tim asked me to WOE, so i thought a littie rest would not hurt starting was quite quiet as no one rush us, after that woot some action but petty much doing nothing on my part i was just a priest buffing, buffing, buffing and heal .
guild petty much didn't do any attacking only defing so we hold 1 place for our self after WOE over we had ONS woot i got choose i used lk at that point petty much go out and kill all the Blue team( i was in the Red). zz we just had to lose no idea how we lost so fast my lk died afew time lol he was petty tough took at lest 2 or more people to kill (seem like only roti can solo me wif frost driver & Jt) it was fun after that we took Screenshot at yuno ahh so petty i post it up.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Trying to test the limit's

it's study week didn't go out studying now semi-blogging msning and web-surfing book reading that's petty much all i guess, hopeful i pass but today i didn't wake up at 12am to meet up with stephen and ray for haircut too tired already. hope they forgive me.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

After Class Event lol

this is what happen After Ob class Stephan and ray and Stephan Ex-colleague with me had lunch at anchorpoint guess who me met Jane and friend's hoho at XinWang HongKong Cafe
we actually had over lunch, i think we actually meet them there cos ray did call them, i eat cheese baked rice with mushrooms, ray had hes spaghetti chicken cutlet i think, Stephan ex-colleague had i think chicken cutlet noodle, Stephan had cheese baked rice with fish cutlet but took so long to arrive cos there was a misunderstanding, after that we celebrated birthdays of those who was born in September, there was vivien,xiao jiao,ray,jane,me so happy we had this cake but could finsh it becouse too full, took some photo nice gonna steal that photo from others later,
Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

Confusing emotion Woot, damn Tired

Hehe this morning it's starting of the Study week which also means exam coming, this morning also the time where those noisey young ladies aloow me to take their picture. haha it was fun taking they picture, was not very clear tho this is some of the picture first is me.

after that is 2 of them hoho forget name le,

the whole group of them actually quite alot Missing don't know why,

the other one is almost the same they love peace sign don't know why,

by the way i don have they permisson so if they say i take down i have to hehe.

Stupid Aliens!!! I HAte Them.

Haa stupid thing happen i feel so alonely again maybe it's the sleepness but DAMN those Annoying Aliens why can't the leave me alone.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


he he Photo 2 Picture i am only uploading those that have me cos the other kind of did not have permission

this is me

he he Fear me Ray fear me

behind me is Ray

me and Ray look what's behind us

how do i look now

Woot 1 approve Picture thanks

this is my new buddys lol


Wahahaha i been abusing my camera a lot i think i started to piss off a lot of people, to those of u who's angry Sorry it's my wrong, so i think i better delete those photo fast and keep the camera away but i think i would still take it to school and stuff becouse there might be a real nice chance to use it hehe.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

I Luv my Mom

WOot i just got my camera petty nice it's a olympus Stylus 1030 SW, good for careless person like me, it's got a very rough look, but not only that it's rough it's tough like shockproof, waterproof, freezerproof it's like a camera just made for me.
i got to thanks my mon for it. ThAnks mom.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I like this (James Blunt - 1973)

i think this is a link to youtube hopes this works,The song has been stuck in my head. please enjoy.

Getting Camera fund

Aah posting what i wish for my Birthday it's funds to get a good camera so feel free to donate to me anyway u feel like, this post is quite like a open request to all lol but whatever i wants $$$ lol , moving on i am getting lazy need to start buck up now. all of u i hopes u guys gets what u wish for, Lasty don't get my anything just wish me Happy Birthday will do i think of something on my own. Cheers to all.


been slacking lately no idea why even got cought up in play acRO i need to work hard on Studying Damn it

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Let's Kick Ass

well today quite unhappy for me i did poorly for my Test.To those caring friends i have i am overwhelm by they caring nature, i left them HAHA, Haa i know i am an Ass but what to do, it's time for Assignment anyway LEts Kick ASS

Monday, August 25, 2008

My life is S.A.D

today i learn a whole new meaning in the word S.A.D,My teacher joking said S.A.D was Single.And.Desparate this got stuck in my head,I kinda keep saying that every chance i get, O yeah Assignment coming along just fine but kinda forgotten about the Class test which is Tomorrow,OMG seriously there is never enough time to do stuff like slacking, wish me and my Class all the best.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Haa sign for assignment

been doing assignment but seem like a hard quest for me becouse it's team cannot be with each other 24/7 so it's kinda messy up having to guess what is everybody doing and try not to crash with each other reason

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Lazy Day

Today the first post Woot, nothing happen much school was fine. Mr see is still as cute as ever, but class was loud as usual, after class i and Friends when bugis to eat quite enjoyable.